I’m not happy, at all.
Something just happened this morning and me, I must talk.
I don’t know who sent me message but that was how I left my house to the supermarket yesterday evening. I left the closest one to my house and went all the way to the one very far from the gate, just to buy something.
It’s not like the closer one did not have it o but you know how you will just be in your house all day and even know how many tiles are on your room floor, the side of your bed that is coolest and when, how many minutes after they take light that they bring it back, which of your neighbour’s kids is the loudest, things like that. A girl needed to receive the fresh air we talked about here last week.

I bought the stuff but decided to enjoy it at lunch break today. First thing I see as I wake up this morning is how ice-cream tested positive for COVID-19 in China. Did it really have to be it? Couldn’t it have happened after I had eaten mine?
As I speak with you now, I have been visiting my ice-cream in the freezer. Fear no gree me chop am! If I had known, I would have kuku eaten it last night. I don’t like this tension.
Shebi around May last year, it was paw-paw, goat and quail that tested positive for the virus in Tanzania? In the Austrian parliament in December, Coca-Cola joined the crew, even though they said the tester did not do it well. God save us!
I have been trying to justify this last result because they said the virus does not thrive in hot places. So, my question now is ‘were the other tests carried out on frozen kiwi or quail because I know the positive goat was a live animal and Tanzania is not a temperate country?’
Could these ‘carriers’ transmit the virus to human beings because we were told that the virus can stay on surfaces, which if not properly cleaned can transmit to people? So, is there a possibility that the people that came in contact with these things got sick?
Omo, now that ice-cream is involved, the questions I started thinking about eh, if to say I be scientist, hmmmm, let me stop there.
I said all these things not to advertise my currently freezing ice-cream; it shall soon be devoured, LOL. The point is that COVID is still out there and it is in our best interest to adhere to the safety guidelines. No let rona use you learn work.
The pandemic is still on but you must not go back to your village. Apply these tips we shared with fellow business owners like you. We hope you see results.
If you feel funny at any point, please speak to someone here.
Like we’ll always say, we are all we have but today, we’ll also add that ‘health is wealth’. So, stay safe!
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