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4 ways to WFH and stay productive: Rants With Kiki – Ep 3


It’s 2023. Things have changed. From electric cars to spy drones, medical robots, rumors of AI about to take over people’s jobs (😑) and the best one yet- working from home!  The Covid-19 Pandemic did that one good thing.    We get to lounge in our homes and work without the frustration of Lagos traffic, […]

2 Elevating Ways To Handle Criticism: Rants With Kiki – Ep 2

crticism 0

There’s usually that person that has something unpleasant to say about you.  ALL THE TIME! And yes, we all dislike a tell-off, especially when it’s in front of people we care about or out in public with everyone’s head turned in your direction.  But is there anything you can do about their constant need to […]

Rants With Kiki – Ep 1: Do It Now!

Do it now

It’s a New Year. And you’re about to procrastinate on your plans, again. The ones you carried over from 2022. Just a few tweaks, push and pull, you know you can get it fired up. But you’re just so deep into extending your deadlines over and over…(side eye) I was like that. Until I discovered […]

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