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5 Unbelievable Things That Will Help With Stress Relief

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– Ibukun Williams

We know exactly how it feels to be stressed; we all do. Everyone has experienced stress at one point or the other. In our world today, we have to juggle a number of obligations competing for our attention. Stress is that feeling of physical or emotional fatigue. It springs from thoughts, duties, or events that make us feel used, tired, frustrated, angry, and even nervous. It is a way our bodies respond to excessive demands.

Knowing how to manage stress would do us good. Studies have shown that not all stress is actually harmful. In the face of danger, stress signals the mind and body to prepare to face a threat or flee to safety. Stress can help us rise to meet challenges. However, it becomes a problem when it harms the quality of our lives. This could lead to sleeplessness, high blood pressure, anxiety, or even depression.

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Apart from exercising, staying positive, and having proper nutrition, there are other ways we can get relieved from stress. Here are 5 of such unbelievable ways:

1. Inflating a balloon

Our body needs oxygen to relax. We have shallow breaths whenever we are stressed. By inflating a balloon, we breathe deeply. This would not only help reduce stress and reduce our heart rate but would also get us smiling.

2. Get an Orange Scented Diffuser for Your Space

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Dr. Jennifer MacLeamy, a psychologist at Newport Academy said that humans have used aromatherapy for its mental and physical benefits for thousands of years and studies have shown that specific scents, citrus in particular, can lower stress and relieve anxiety.

3. Start Ironing

When ironing, all our care is focused on the task at hand. We get a tangible result after ironing. This gives you a feeling of satisfaction.

4. Cry Your Heart Out

Sometimes, we want to cry but it’s not the right time or place and sometimes we think that crying is either being weak or giving into the situation. The thing is, holding your emotions in causes stress and anxiety. If it’s not the right place to let it all out, when you find some time alone, watch or read something sad and let the tears flow. When you cry, you lower your manganese level, elevating your mood and lowering stress.

5. Fake it to make it

Laughing unprovoked might seem weird and will most likely feel foreign but scientists are encouraging us to do this more. When you laugh on the outside, even while faking it, it creates an effect within your body that triggers the release of hormones that combats stress. It is also not a bad idea to replace that drama show you had planned for this evening with a comedy.

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The End

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