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2 Elevating Ways To Handle Criticism: Rants With Kiki – Ep 2

Sterling Bank
Published: January 16, 2023

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criticism 01

There’s usually that person that has something unpleasant to say about you. 

ALL THE TIME! And yes, we all dislike a tell-off, especially when it’s in front of people we care about or out in public with everyone’s head turned in your direction. 

But is there anything you can do about their constant need to talk? (to nag?🙄) Nope. People will always be people. But can you change the way their criticism affects you? Absolutely!

Check out these two power nuggets:


1. Maintain your cool… even when your head is anything but cool. 

I know the last thing you want to do when someone says something hurtful is to play the mute person (Especially when you love a good comeback). You wanna yell and tell them “Oh just cut it out already!” And maybe follow up with a few hard slaps…and then some punches…and then more punches…(that would be nice yeah? Nope. I’m glad you see the end picture would be BLOODY literally).

Now, don’t get me wrong, it’s perfectly OK to stand up for yourself if you feel the need to. But a few punches or insults won’t do any good. Might even get you into more trouble…and maybe a few broken bones and bruises plus your character in the mud. Not worth it.

Just defend yourself politely. That works fine and speaks more to your character. It takes a bit of work but totally pays in the end.

If you still feel the need to caution the person, do that, when the heat is gone. Subtly pull the person to a corner, acknowledge your faults, promise to do better, and hint to them to dial down the criticism. It’s okay to speak out on that, privately. Don’t go yelling at your boss or parent (or anyone actually)  in front of everyone.

If you are the type to break down and cry, try holding it down till you get to the bathroom. Let it out and come back out stronger.


2. Filter, filter, filter 

You know the saying, “there’s always some truth behind every criticism?”

Well, probably, and probably not.

My point is, every time you get criticised, there’s always a little to take for yourself to work on.

You may have failed to deliver that task before the deadline, and your boss scolded you and called you a “numb brain” and many other names (sorry, love), it is up to you though to filter out all his words into two boxes: The Useful and Useless box. Take all the rash insults and throw them in the useless box, seal it up and throw it in the sea. And then take the useful comments, like how he corrected you on time management and early turnover. Put them in the useful box and work on it.

Most people make one mistake though; they throw all the comments – constructive or not – into the useless box, seal it up, throw it away and hold a grudge. Not healthy. Not worth it. Don’t do it. Naha!


Now those are two powerful practices to handle criticism like a pro.

Even the purest of souls will get their fair share. So, suck it up, and be a badass!

Check out other helpful tips from Kiki here:

Thank you for reading the blog. Please spare 30 Seconds to meet you here.

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Opiah Franca Iroseyike
Opiah Franca Iroseyike
2 years ago

Quite inspiring

Abdul_Azeez Salihu
Abdul_Azeez Salihu
1 year ago

Always be calm when you are been criticized atimes it makes mind strong and constructive

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