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Relationships: Your Future Wealth

Sterling Bank
Published: January 11, 2023

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‘My Banker,’ said Onyeka.

I don’t even identify as a banker😏. We’ll get back to what I identify as later, lol.

Anyway, I replied to her saying ‘my Barrister,’ and we laughed it off.

Onyeka called me that day because she needed to open an account for a new business owner, who is one of her clients for her legal and business advisory services. After recommending Sterling Pro which suits the business needs of her client, we went ahead to discuss and catch up on other things, adding two of our friends to the call (we do this often…intentional friendship and all😎)

You’re probably wondering why I’m telling you about my discussion with Onyeka. You’ll understand better as you read on.

Now in that conversation, Onyeka said something that struck me. She said ‘Do you know we are our future connections? In a few years when one of my kids wants to make music, I’ll probably call Franklyn to help, and when I want to start a ‘Project Mbappe’, I’ll call Bayo.

That statement brought me to the realization that a lot of things in our lives depend on our connections.

We must build quality and meaningful relationships with others to thrive.

Now, the questions are, How strong are the relationships you’ve built over time? How deliberate have you been in attracting and keeping quality connections?

Let’s walk through some points that can help you develop and keep better relationships this New Year.

1. Offer Value

You don’t want to be the person that only takes. Your ability to offer meaningful value is not only beneficial to the people but even more so, to yourself.

Value isn’t always financial. Become a problem solver. And one of the best ways to stay on top of your game is to embrace constant learning. Check out EduBanc for smart and affordable ways to educate yourself. They offer loans and discounts that will be worth your while.

2. Good Personality

This may sound cliché, but having a good personality is never out of style. It works all the time. To develop a good personality, you must be deliberate with being positive, fun, humble, confident, trustworthy, genuine, and compassionate. All these traits allow us to connect and interact well with others.

3. Communicate

Communication is one of the bedrocks of establishing a quality relationship. Effective communication involves listening, understanding, and providing relevant feedback when required.

4. Dress As You Want To Be Addressed

Invest in good clothing…and you don’t have to break the bank to do this. The Sterling Ultracard got you covered with a credit card, so swipe!

5. Smile

Smiling is a magnet people can’t resist. Wear it as often as you can. And besides, it has obvious health and psychological benefits, plus it’s free.

Overuse it, and you won’t be scarce of good connections 😁



Thank you for reading the blog. Please spare 30 Seconds to meet you here.

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2 years ago

I learned alot from this article..Thank you

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