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To improve education for everyone

What is Edubanc?

Edubanc is a digital platform which focuses on providing finance and other solutions to all the stakeholders in the education sector to enable improved learning outcomes and business growth. It is an aggregation of education focused digital solutions designed to improve learning outcomes in Nigeria.




Edpay is an education finance solution which avails financing to Parents/Guardians for the sole purpose of school fee payment. Through Edpay, parents/guardians can pay the schools fees of their children/wards in full upon successful application for financing, while repayment to the Bank is done monthly over a specified period.It is designed to meet the needs of 3 major stakeholders in the education sector:

Parent – Access to financing to enable timely payment of tuition fees.

School – Revenue assurance and improved cash flows as parents are enabled to meet obligations.

Student – Undistorted learning cycle


  • Affordable funds to bridge school fees payment for parents.
  • Adequate revenue generation for schools to carry out the day-to-day activities seamlessly through the entire session.

26% (Subject to discount received by school)

Parents and Guardian

Repayment will be monthly till the expiration of loan.

Salary and business proceeds

Minimum 50,000 Maximum 5,000,000

12 months max



SCHOOL MANAGEMENT SYSTEM (SCHOOLABLE) is a digital solution designed to meet the peculiar needs of schools by providing a holistic management system for tuition collection, invoicing, expense management, vendor management, reconciliations and other banking activities.


  • Invoicing – Issuance of invoices to students/parents with discounts and part payment capabilities.
  • Payment processing – Receive payments from parents and reconcile seamlessly. Parents also have access to historical transactions and payments made.
  • Data insight – Full view of cash flows from parents to improve target marketing and risk asset creation.
  • Business Bank Account – The Schoolable solution operates using a wallet system that enables records, and stores transactions between the school and parents/guardians.
    Affordable administrative system with a direct impact on everyday operations

Subscription to the schoolable solution is free and comes at no extra cost to schools. Schools can be onboarded on the platform and subscribe to all available services to enhance smooth financial operations.

However, the issuance of invoices to Parents would attract charges which is also subject to negotiation across the Primary and Secondary categories. This charge is borne by Parents and is embedded in the total fees.


Teachers' Training Programme

The Teachers’ Training programme is a FREE training programme designed to equip teachers with the right tools for capacity building and career development; it is currently offered at no cost to all subscribers/teachers in Nigeria.

This training is offered in partnership with 1 MILLION TEACHERS INC. (1MT), a Canadian based social enterprise that provides high quality teacher education online.1 Million Teachers Inc. operates in collaboration with the Faculty of Education at Queen’s University in Canada, therefore all certificates issued upon completion of each course are endorsed by Queen’s University.

Unique Features


Nexford University Online Learning

The need to provide learners with quality higher learning to acquire sought-after skills is at the core of our partnership with Nexford University; an American university that avails higher learning opportunities to individuals which prepare them for the global workplace.

The partnership helps to provide a global community that bolsters their success through the innovative use of collaborative technology and an education experience that maximizes their opportunities for success, offering flexibility, learner support, and affordability.


  • Direct payment option in naira.
  • PAYGO option.
  • Flexibly paced learning.
  • Nexford University is now accredited by Distance Education Accrediting Commission
  • Average Weekly Time Commitment for MBA/BBA – 10 – 15 hours required.

• MBA – N95,000monthly
• BBA – N48,000monthly

Parents, Business owners, Students and Employees

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