Wahala for who go bank with old cheque book!
Double wahala for who no come read the email wey we send dem on top this matter before dem comot go bank!
That’s how you will just be waltzing into the banking hall to withdraw your millions before the crowd will greet you, ‘happy new year’. I mean, ‘tis the season to be queuing’ so I highly doubt that God forbid will work now. I can only imagine how dizzy you must be feeling from waiting your turn until they finally break the news to you that the old copies have been phased out and only the thinner booklets can be used.
Don’t worry; let me say it for you. GOD FORBID, lol
From January 1st, the directive to stop processing leaflets from old cheque books took effect and as it is, ignorance is not an excuse.

Based on the new cheque standard, you need to pick up new cheque books from the nearest branch to you.
The rules of cheque processing are still the same. The only change is in the introduction of Quick Response (QR) Code for faster verification of cheque details, expiry date of printed cheque booklet and a clear zone at the back of the cheque. Shikena!
In case you’re not sure whether yours is the old or new one, just crosscheck your booklet against the new standard: thinner and longer spacing for “Payee” and “Amount in words”, dateline labelled “Day, Month and Year” while location of “Amount in figures”moved from directly under “Date” to directly under “Amount in words”.
Some other distinct features include signature line, which moved from directly under the space for “Amount in figures” to directly under the space for “Amount in words while control number changed from eight digits to 10 and has moved to the top right corner of the cheque. Nothing much!
Let me talk like Nollywood people; Grab your copy now to avoid stories that touch!